
The Columbia STEM Alliance (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) was founded in 2017 with the idea that businesses, government, and higher education must directly support K-12 STEM programs that are relevant to workforce development needs and increase career opportunities for students in our community based on improving science and math proficiencies.  Due to significant contributions of STEM knowledge and capabilities as a major driver of business and industry vitality and innovation, a region’s STEM workforce has a major impact on a community’s economic competitiveness. Since our founding, the CSA has established an excellent reputation for providing high quality, accessible, and affordable STEM education programs to encourage Columbia area youth in becoming more comfortable with and gain proficiency in using science and math concepts, and how these capabilities can be applied to viewing our world and creatively solving problems.

Our objectives are to:

  1. Advance economic development and progress in our community by increasing the quality, quantity, and diversity of the future STEM workforce.   

  2. Promote meaningful Pre-K through 12th grade STEM learning experiences in safe, supervised, hands-on environments. 

  3. Customize programs to meet the needs and overcome obstacles for students from backgrounds typically underrepresented in STEM occupations.

  4. Build teacher-business-community partnerships to maintain program relevance and magnify STEM Education impact beyond what is achievable by a single entity. 

  5. Support parental and guardian efforts to engage and retain students in STEM Education. 

  • Caitlin Nichols

    Girls in STEM & STEM Series Program Administrator

    When I was five-years-old, I was pretty sure I’d be a Woodland Elf when I grew up.

  • Craig Adams

    Makerspace Certification Program Administrator

    When I was five-years-old, I was pretty sure I'd be the Lone Ranger when I grew up.

  • Betsy Jones

    Math Mentorship Program Administrator

    When I was 5 years old, I was pretty sure I was going to be an Over the Road Driver when I grew up.

Board of Directors

Bill Moore, President, 3M Retired
Marge  Vance, Treasurer, 3M Retired
Christina Roberson, Secretary, High School Science Teacher  - Columbia Area Career Center
Gayla Neumeyer, Director, Assoc Dir of Operations - University of Missouri Research Reactor

John Frerking, Director, Professional Engineer – Engineering Survey and Services
John Conway, Director, Professional Engineer –Retire
Dave Nichols, Director, Professional Engineer – ESS